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Dame full apk mod für android

This app is a checkers game designed specifically for women.


Checkers is a classic board game enjoyed by people of all ages. With the rise of mobile technology, checkers apps have become increasingly popular. One such app, Dame, developed by English Checkers and available on Google Play for Android, offers a comprehensive checkers experience with a variety of features and gameplay options.


Dame boasts an impressive array of features that enhance the checkers playing experience. These include:


Dame provides a smooth and intuitive gameplay experience. The controls are responsive, and the game runs smoothly. The different difficulty levels offer a challenge for players of all skill levels, while the various checkers rule sets provide a diverse gameplay experience. The two-player mode is a great way to enjoy the game with friends, and the game assistant feature is helpful for beginners or those looking to improve their strategy.

Overall Impression:

Dame is a well-designed and comprehensive checkers app that offers a variety of features and gameplay options. The app is suitable for players of all skill levels and is a great way to enjoy the classic game of checkers on your mobile device.


The developer, Alex F., has requested feedback from users to improve the app further. Here are a few suggestions:


Dame is a highly recommended checkers app that offers a fun and engaging gameplay experience. With its variety of features and options, the app is sure to appeal to checkers enthusiasts of all levels. By implementing the suggested improvements, the developer can further enhance the app and make it even more enjoyable for users.

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Detaillierte Informationen:

Brettspiele Android Anwendung

Aktualisiert Größe Installiert
13. März 2021 3.52 MB 100,000,000+
Version Bewertung Anzeigen
4.0+ USK ab 0 Jahren (Bei Spielen und Apps ab 0 Jahren handelt es sich generell um Inhalte ohne Beeinträchtigungspotenzial. Dabei können sich diese sowohl direkt an Kinder und Jugendliche als auch an erwachsene Nutzer richten. Beispielsweise fallen im Allgemeinen Dienstprogramme, Produktkataloge oder Tools unter diese Kategorie, ebenso soziale Netzwerke, in denen nutzergenerierte Inhalte überprüft, gefiltert oder moderiert werden.) Contains ads
Preis In-App Einkauf
0 Yes
Versionsfreigabe Änderungen
4.4.3 - added green theme
- improved animation
- fixed some issues
Entwickler Kategorie
English Checkers Brettspiele
Sonstiges English Checkers Apps
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